Friday, December 28, 2012

Cucumbers... and diseases

I believe this is septoria leaf spot beginning on tomato plants. Ahhh the damn whiteflies that never go away. Just bought Serenade so we'll see if that works to treat the infected plants.

Three big cucumbers growing!! Supported them today with pantyhose so the vine doesn't fall down from the weight.

Gardening To Do List:
1. Plant more broccoli and tomatoes
2. Collect basil and marigold seed
3. Spread mulch
4. Dismantle raised garden bed, spread soil in the front. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 2012 Update

Not the best photos, these are taken with my crappy 1.3 mp cell phone camera, but at least you can see how the garden is progressing. I added chicken wire to all the cuke cages for a taller trellis. What I currently have growing is tomatoes, cucumbers and broccoli. Planted a lot more broccoli this year since its one of the few plants that is resistant to root-knot nematodes so I can grow it in our native soil.

The basil plant is slowly dying, but already started a new one from seeds. One basil plant is all you need to last your forever... just wait until it flowers, dries up, and then open up the dried flowers to remove the tiny black seeds and start a new plant. You can also cut about a four inch branch off an established basil plant, put it in water until it grows roots, and then plant it in soil.

For some reason the cuke plants seem to produce only 1 or 2 cucumber plants and then die. It had a major infestation of aphids. Blasted the leaves several times with water but it might have been too late for the plant to recover. I'm surprised to discover that the cucumber plants in the 5 gallon containers are doing better so far than the one in the 18 gallon has done (with the aphids). 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 2012 Garden Update

ladybug larva eating aphids on pepper plant.

cherry tomato in 5 gallon bucket

french  breakfast radish

cucumber plant in the center, beets and radishes around it

radish seedlings

cucumber plant


cherry tomato in center, radishes surrounding

planted broccoli in these.


arugula flowering

cherry tomatoes

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May update


squash on left, cucumber with marigolds on right

the same cucumber plant a month later

giant yellow crookneck squash

parsley started from seeds

Monday, January 16, 2012

January - Tomato harvest

The tomatoes are starting to ripen and I am getting great harvests of beautiful, organic tomatoes. The hard work has begun to pay off... Was going to take a photo of a big bowlful of black cherry tomatoes but they were eaten too quickly :)